When did your kid REALLY start to comprehend what you’re saying to them?

Kiddo is 16 months and I think he can understand some stuff like I’ll say

  • “Noooooo get back over here” when he’s going to play in something he shouldn’t, and sometimes he’ll turn around and run away.

-“pet nice” when petting the dog and he’ll sometimes start petting more gently

-“come on let’s go” to lead him out of the room

-“can I have it?” With my hand out so he’ll give me a piece of dirt or trash he picked up.

Things like that. But if I ask him “can you get the (enter toy or something) he won’t” Or “which one is blue?” Nothing he just acts like I didn’t say anything at all.

I feel like he doesn’t really comprehend 99% of what I say or ask and I’m not sure if he’s supposed to at this age, or when that starts?

I see people online telling you how to gentle authoritative parent toddlers by explaining things to them. For example my son likes to smash his water cup upside down so it squishes water out of the straw on the table. So I try to ask him not to, give him 1 chance, tell him if he doesn’t it again I have to take it away. Then I take it away and tell him why I’m taking it away and that cups are for drinking.

But obviously he just cries and looks at me and I feel like he definitely didn’t get the gist of what I just said at all 😅