Why are tragedeighs seemingly more common and elaborate in this generation?

Of course, there are certain minor tragedeigh staples that transcend time and will likely outlive all of us--Y for I substitutions and such--but some of the names I see on this sub, man...I've meet some Zacs and Taylers, went to school with a Jayde, etc., but nothing I've experienced in real life even comes CLOSE to stuff like Raefarty Jaczynvil or Trebuchet Roary. (Apologies for conglomerating some absolute classics--some of which were apparently dodged as of the updates--but in my defense, the names I'm lumping together come from the same threads.)

All the people around my age (thirties) that are having kids that I know irl seem to be giving them names that look and sound like names, but clearly something something has gotten into a lot of us these past few decades. You don't exactly hear of many grandparents out there named things like Shirleigh and Eyereen.

Are the boomers right? Were we all corrupted by our mandatory participation trophies to re-enforce the idea that we are all special, and this is how it manifested? What do you think is driving this trend?