My husband sometimes picks which weed to buy based on how much the name of it makes him laugh, and he's in his 40s.

More Cow Bell! He literally had an old cow bell from his grandparents' farm hanging from the ceiling at one point, so lots of hilarity from that one.

And I think he tried Gorilla Glue because of the funny name, but then stuck with it because it's pretty effective at treating his ADHD enough that he can actually get somewhere with his hobbies. I keep making the same joke about "Honey, I'm home, and I got you some gorillas that are glued together!" and he keeps laughing, so I guess it works.

u/Alexanderia97 asked me to share that here, so tada, I have done so! Yay wake&bake, I'm two bowls in and forgot to get a cup of coffee! Yay coffee time!

Anybody else know of funny weed names for my husband to try?