Im going insane from uber support

I have been trying to add a new debit card for instant payput for 5 days now have talked with no less the 15 people by phone and chat. I have been told my secuirty has been lifted and my stuff unpaused several times told everything is fixed and the last guy i talked to trying to get it fixed straight up ignored me had a conversation with himself and got my account paused again on adding a debit card and screwed me over. This is my only job atm and im going to je late on all my bills now cause i havnt been able to work since wensday my next prop check isnt going to be anytjing and i havnt ate since yestorday. And yes i have been apllying and trying to get abkther job bit atm this is my only income cause i have been denied 3 times now for food stamps just read this conversation and yes i cussed at the end cause i was pissed.