Low-stakes sports betting is not a bad hobby

I have always loved gambling I will admit it.

I look it as a hobby/entertainment. If you are disciplined and only do 1-2$ per day, that is at most 730$ a year if you lose every single bet. 730$ a year is not bad for a hobby you do every single day.

I spend 1$ for 2-3hours+ of entertainment. You can easily spend 100x that doing other more expensive hobbies/entertainment.

It gets you into watching random games/events you normally you wouldn’t care about.

You can win a lot of money if you are lucky. The thrill at the thought of winning big is what keeps you coming back. If you lose, oh well it was 1-2$.

Yes I know you could invest it and I do that as well. I just like the thrill of sports betting because I truly enjoy sports/competition. If I can throw 1-2$ at an event with the potential to win a lot more, that’s just extra entertainment for extremely cheap.