Osora Is just terrible

This series is not the worst thing I've stumbled my eyes on but I for a lack of better words am disappointed.


Every single character is poorly written and lacks any semblence of personality. It has used sexuality and gender identity as a catalyst of the story but comes out empty. More empty than the comics ability to show rather than tell. One moment in particular with the antagonist of the story explaining their backstory with little to nothing being shown left me unimpressed. I just see the same characters being idle... The expositioning in the beginning left me baffled. It struggles to produce dialogue that doesn't feel out of place and turns around to forced sexual tension. The backgrounds are sometimes great sometimes not. Excellent transformation of 3D and sometimes poor transformation. I am severely unimpressed by the main leads love interest as he's a dull character. Is the character trans because the father chose that for them? I left very confused. The story isn't anything impressive if you look past the sexuality/gender identities added but I don't have a problem reading the same type of trope over and over again.

How do you feel?