Zoloft has made me extremely extroverted. I kinda love it.

I've only been on a dose of 12.5mg for coming to 4 months now (22M; technically 25mg every other day). I know the standard dose is 50mg every day but the horror stories scared me so I was only willing to do my antidepressant course on a low dose.

At first, I figured the Zoloft wasn't doing much due to my low dose but I resisted increasing it and figured I'd just wait and see what happens. Moreover my mother passed over summer so.I figured any lingering feelings of low mood related to that.

I've recently returned to uni and I swear I feel so weirdly outgoing now. For context, I'm normally pretty introverted and I'm also mildly on the spectrum. I have a good social life but it took energy to maintain.

But now its likely suddenly a switch has gone off in my brain and I'm craving socialising; instead of it being draining I'm getting energy from socialising. Honestly its done wonders for my social life; I'm a better friend to those I know and I'm even getting in touch with people I've not spoken too in ages.

Honestly if there is anyway to maintain these effects of Zoloft for the long term without upping my dose I'd be happy just to stay on this level. I have a few side effects with a slightly worse memory and libido but otherwise I get the Zoloft hype now.

TL;DR - Title