To Chelsea
What do we think of stories like this?
My mom finally left.
Sub or dub for first time?
They don't do well with hypothetical questions...
So incredibly discouraged
Fun Experiment faking tongues of interpretation
Deconstruction documentaries?
Marching around the sanctuary 7 times like it’s Jericho
Was Cliff really that good?
"why do you wear a skirt?" FB post
what was the thing(s) that you thought were normal, but learned it wasn’t later on?
Technically, this is correct (idk if y‘all have already seen this on his Wikipedia page)
Worldly music
Does anyone else feel like the church wasted their life?
who’s who
What the hell happened to Cliff’s car?
"Saving" the world
Wild sermons you have heard
Which song is this for you?
Upci gossip girl blast
Loss of tradition