Kutna Hora is ready for release
First Solo today @15hrs!
Who moved from OP7 PRO to 13?
I must have gotten a different OP13 than everyone else.
Tesla & OP13
Studie: Krankenversicherten drohen weitere Beitragserhöhungen
Habt ihr schonmal etwas Übernatürliches erlebt?
I'm loving Beyond ATC!
ELI5 : Mathematics is discovered or invented?
Der beste Bürostuhl fürs Homeoffice
Kleiner Rant
E-Auto laden in Zahlen (2024)
A nonfiction book you've found fascinating.
Most Intellectually Stimulating Book Ever?
you tried both, did you settle on big monitor or VR?
First run
Is there ANY thing in which the OnePlus 12 is worse than the 7 Pro?
Just Flight have released an update for the Piper Warrior
Am I the only one who enjoys driving my car more after getting into flight sims?
PHEV gebraucht oder Neu?
PPL Checkride Fail, a lesson learned
Help please i have 10-15 fps with decent spec
Worth it?
Anyone a pilot here who can give some tips about flight school in Strausberg?