[PS5] W: rune arc's H: karma,asl
I just realized that Caelid literally looks like "👍"
[PS5] W: raging wolf armor set H: karma,ask
[PS5] W: raging wolf set H: karma,ask
[PS5] W: wing stance (ashes of war) H: karma,ask
What do you think is the best ashes of war for milady?
Name a boss you would feel no guilt cheesing ?
I cant get invaded by bernahl at farum azula what should i do?
[PS5] W: silver scarab H: karma,ask
How to get up there?
İs putting lions claw on a greatsword better or Giant hunt?
[PS5] W: euporia (2x if you can) H: karma,ask
[PS5] W: godskin peeler 2x H: karma,ask
[PS5] W: fingerprint shield 2x H: karma,ask
Yo, what's the name of that place? I dont know how to get there
Which game is super replayable and addictive?
{PS5} W: runes H: karma,ask
{PS5} W: Cruible knight armor H: karma,ask
{PS5} W:cruible knight armor H: karma,ask
{PS5} W: godslayer sword H: karma, Blasphemous blade, ask
{PS5}W: bullgoat armor H: karma, Blasphemous blade, ask
{PS5} W: runes H: Blasphemous blade 10+, karma,ask
What’s your “In case of emergency, break glass” weapon?
Should i get the DLC?