Do you cringe at your own music taste?
Swearing - I like it
Becoming aware of an aspect of the Shadow but not integrating it
Why are people against Autism speaks?
Aren't repressed aspects of the Anima/Animus part of the Shadow?
Is This What Stoicism Has Become?
Excuse me? What is that suppose to be?!?
"sometimes you have to do something you dislike"
How does one overcome an inferiority complex?
I can't call the abuser or indeed any abuser evil because “he’s a child of God”
"you're ObViouSly very very very very hIgH fUncTioniNg"
I love forcing people to look at my art.
Hot take
Have you ever questioned your gender?
Does anybody else here like the Elder Scrolls games?
Do you watch TV shows aimed at children?
I am a cremator and crushing cooked bones to remove implants is my evilest stim
How OP eats candy
How i eat candy
Anger Transference by Richard Sargent
How do you stop liking a special interest?
How do you listen to your instincts without getting frustrated?
What in the fuck is going on here?
I took this photo and I genuinely thought I was smiling
Who else has art as their special interest?
All of the suffering is just inside of my head.