Safest states for women in india
How unsafe India is for women!! Look at these ladies running from these creeps, scared for their safety.
Percentage pf Kids under 18 growing up without a father in the family
Why's this so high in Kerala and wtf"s going on with Lakshadweep?
How common is Pashtun ancestry amongst south asian muslims?
Highest number of deported individuals were from Gujarat and Haryana
People who enjoyed the C-17 ride today
Always low quality videos
Why did the Rana of Amarkot choose to join Pakistan during the partition?
Which period / era did jammu , kashmir valley and ladakh became a single unit ?
Special court awards life imprisonment to 2 former Punjab cops in 1992 fake encounter case
Punjab Honored With ‘Best State’ and ‘Best District’ Awards Under Green Schools Programme
What are your thoughts on our budget allocation?
Here is what each states got in this budget
It's the same everywhere with these people. And yet leniency is demanded when they migrate south.
Punjab : A Land of Shared Heritage – Sikh, Hindu, or Pakistani
Amj, Cost of things in 1947
Reality of Punjab and Fake Protestors Explained Perfectly
Bhai dhariwal jats(Hindu) uttar pradesh mein kaha kaha hain
% of women who consume Tobacco
Cultural Heritage of Sindh and Punjab
What happened in Amritsar with the Statue of Dr B R Ambedkar is very Unfortunate !
Average government exams centres be like
Naga style dog meat recipe
Did the RGkar kolkata case victim received justice? Because no one is talking about it now.
Imran khan a gaddar
'I love my country even if it is the worst country in the world' Is this patriotic or nationalistic?