Day 4 of trying to get a comment from every city/town/village
Give me names of important anarchists leaders and activists from different countries
Existait il au Moyen Âge et Temps Modernes des mouvements ou figures protestant contre la colonisation, l'évangélisation et l'esclavagisme ? Peut-on dire aujourd'hui que les peuples "autochtones" profitent pleinement des conditions de vies apportées par la colonisation ?
Can you give me names and examples of socialist/feminist/protest/ecology activist figures from different countries and places in the world ?
Où peut-on trouver ces livres de Thomas Piketty gratuitement en BD
Is the level of development and standard of living correlated with the level of taxation ? Is it proven that at too high a level of taxation (in France for example) there are strong movements of tax evasion towards countries with low taxes ?
Give me random facts about places or countries in Southeast Asia
Quelles conséquences (positives et négatives) auraient pour la France la sortie de l'Union Européenne ?
According to these statistics, in the last month, a user played 40,000 different quizzes, or almost 1,000 per day. How is this possible ? Is this the ranking of the people who played the most last month or over a month in total ?
Day 2 of trying to get a comment from every city
Why does Benin hold the coasts of Grand Popo and thus block a third of access to the coastline in Togo ?
My prayers for the return of orange cream coke have been answered!
Pourquoi, lors de la période de décolonisation du continent africain (des années 50 aux années 80) des régimes corrompus et des dictatures se sont enchaînés ? Pourquoi dans presque la majorité des cas les anciennes colonies anglaises sont elles plus riches que les autres ?
What does science say about homosexuality ?
Qu'est ce que c'est être français ?
What are the ultimate online games and gaming sites for geography nerds ?
On the internet, what are your favorite daily general knowledge games (on a variety of subjects) or your favorite quiz sites ?
How can I download a website logo?
Could we know the name of the least populated city by country ?
[Global] Which political figures or heads of state have marked the history of your country (whether positively or negatively) ?
Jetpunk or Sporcle, which is the best ?
Quels sites historiques et naturels vous paraissent important et incontournable dans le patrimoine breton ?
Which political figures or heads of state have marked the history of your country (whether positively or negatively) ?