Advice/Options Please!
Good luck girly
Is this a scam
Pros and Cons to Having a 3rd?
Unpopular opinion? Alex & Jo have zero chemistry
Halloween 2023
Please Help Me Pick a Middle Name for Kai
Blair or Valerie?
Season 6 - Episode 25 - Monday July 08 -| 9 PM EST
Meet Everest!🏔️
Not necessarily snarking on this, just thought it was comical
😳😳😳 the difference
Any similar names to Julia
Blocked over her not having her gorilla grip 💀😳😂
How small do u think Charles pp is
So we just gonna ignore this or?
Unbothered? 🤣🤣
lying again?
She's such a terrible liar
Spoiler: I found Micah on FB and it tells all
Tyler’s tattoo
She really didn’t wash them before wearing? Kinda not surprised.🤢
She was so naturally beautiful 🫤🫤
Let's play a fun game. Everyone comment something Alexia has complained about since G was born... And go.