He's gonna do something crazy.
If we go by the obvious, what will the final fight be?
Genuine Parasitism
No Diff
Tell the difference.
Avatar predictions for these three?
Grinded through Dunwall City Trials in 5 days, AMA
Fight Class 3 - Volume 13 cover
No you see, it's not a white supremacy allegory because they're ACTUALLY white and ACTUALLY supreme
Which factions would the fighters be a part of if they were in the warhammer 40k verse?
explain your favorite character but very poorly
Weapon Theory: Ogasawara Nagaharu
Is this supposed to happen with the skeleton theme?
CTeam Campaign?
If you had to convince someone with a single tenkaichi panel to read it, which one would it be?
What is your favorite scene on sparking Zero?
PS5 save issues
Yall think they gave out fades back in the day?
What would be yalls reaction if da egg won the tournament?
Would Duel weapon specialist, duel weapon combat, and melee weapon specialist useful for blademaster ?( I just got the game)
So, now that we have Jinsuke's Aura Monster/thing. What do you think will be Inshuns?
I don't why people are so mad she calls you a dumb nickname and ignores you for the most part.