This is the worst story I’ve ever read. I CANNOT WAIT.
The most forgettable episode.
Why did some of the founding fathers side with the colonies?
Did the nazis even learn anything from their experiments?
Is master chief really THAT good??
What’s currently happening in the lore?
Just beat this game for the first time... some thoughts
How do you people do this so well
Best warhammer books??
What a would you change, if anything?
Starter set question (why are you blue)
Finished Ds Remastered, started DS2 less than 24 hours ago. Any free suggestion? (no spoiler pls)
Why did no one tell me posture breaks were so critical?
What was the hardest boss for you?
What level should I be for the mountain top of giants?
Gideon's starting to get real salty whenever I stop by, tf is his problem?
How do blood angels combat the red thirst and black rage?
Beat Godrick the grafted first try.
What was the most NSFW moment that happened at school?
Left handers. What do you still struggle with in today's age?