Why didn't Montenegro remain united with Serbia?
Unironically yes
Greater Euskaran Languages
My name in 50+ writing systems (+ Existing and Original Conscripts)
This war has turned me into a very hateful person
3 days in Athens
You WILL be convinced by this jpeg's wall of text. You WILL reject the Gayreek myth. You WILL stop imagining Greek men laying with boys. "Gayreek" is a slanderous MYTH!
Ζήτησα από το ChatGPT να μοντελοποιήσει την Ελλάδα ως συνδυασμό 2 χωρών με βάση πολιτισμικούς, κοινωνικούς και πολιτικοικονομικούς παράγοντες
What if internet acronyms were actual words in English? #1
Which one of you did this
ΗΠΑ: Εβραίος πυροβόλησε δύο Ισραηλινούς - Νόμιζε ότι ήταν Παλαιστίνιοι
Matt Damon στον ρόλο του Οδυσσέα σε σκηνοθεσία Christopher Nolan
In need for any advice to send a letter from Athens/Moschato/Pireas to Germany in 3 dass
Jaretean language Courses book
African American Results +pic
Not a single country from The Balkans is being invited.What do you think about this?
Not a single country from The Baltics is being invited. What do you think about this?
ideal athens metro lines (revealed to me in a dream)
Aria energy drink (in the pan-turkic script
Slavic Denmark
Το σαμπ την τελευταία εβδομάδα:
Revised UNITED-poster from earlier, added some countries I forgot and couple honorary additions.
Μια αγκαλιά σε όλους εμάς τους άσχημους Βαλεντίνους, μια special suffocating στον u/yahunias ❤️
Η απογοητευση της μεσαιωνικης και νεοελληνικης λαογραφιας.
What does Gen Z consider the "greatest rivalry" in sports?