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[Loot] New poster!
Wehinachtsessen Ideen?
So like, are they gonna erase all these retconned voice lines now or won't even bother and say "don't worry about it" lmao.
9 out of 10 season guys, nine out of ten.
Squadron42 in 2026!
Empire name Ideas please
Geruchsproblem in der Wohnung und drohender Rausschmiss.
I'm starting to hate games that do this...
Ich habe ein Alkoholproblem entwickelt und bin nun seit 25 Tagen nüchtern. AmA
Friend got disconnected and can not join again.
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Turns out you can land a 890 in a large Hanger on the Stations.
I still think this apartment is the most preem.
How do you name your horses? :)
So, you're telling me this 30-yo-tired-of-life-looking dude is now 23?
This is my elf friend. Please don't oppress elves
new player here, loving pvp! does anyone know how to drink these?
Is it more worth it to get the 250 Piety for execution or the 200 gold for ransom?
Apparently, no early access advantage between versions this time! huge W
Class and Build recommendations for a returning player?
Russian youtuber Red got banned:(
This Burgage Plot has double the amount of Armaments stored, even over it's capacity. Any ideas as to why that is and how to get the excess out of there?
Wtf Peter