Gal kas dirbat EPAM systems?
Trifazis įvadas
prasau padekit einu is proto
Ką studijų metais valgydavot, kai baigdavosi pinigai?
Gal kas išmano apie šildymo sistemos kolektorius?
In Turkey, 35 olives, 28 date seeds and 5 stones were removed from the stomach and intestines of a 92-year-old woman.
Klausimas vairuotojams
Klausimas apie busto bendraskolininka seimos nari
T1 disappointed with people he vouched for
Micheal Reeves - A Bot that Scams People
Ramūs darbai be kvalifikacijos
This was found after a house fire
Kodel taip kyla bustu kainos? Kiek jums metu ir kiek turit susitaupe pinigu ?
Pasimatymai, kviečiu pasireikšti vaikinus ir merginas
Can we have a loot filter for console please?😩
Jinny is living the dream (Xmas Edition)
Poe 1 VS Poe 2 - Visualized
Kas kaltas šitoj situacijoj (parkavimo aikštelė)?
Poe2 review after beating all bosses - 1 step forward 2 steps back.
Thebausffs: "There are some top laners in the LEC that are completely boosted. They’re really, really bad. They’re paycheck stealing. They don’t belong there."
Husband and wife dyi install team
How could I know if the product is legal to be sold in EU?
ELI5: How does temu and other similar companies make any money at all?