XBOX- W: Mohgwyn’s sacred spear H: Ask
XBOX W: 25 nakigaba H: 25 uchi
XBOX- W: Euporia H: whatever
[Xbox] W: Dryleaf set and Dane's hat H: Nearly anything on another character, just ask
XBOX- W: Euporia H: any
Xbox- W: Euporia? H: ask
Xbox- W: Euporia H: karma or ask
XBOX help with malenia?
[Xbox] Can help with whatever for the next hour :)
XBOX maliketh? Please PW Lorddagg
XBOX- someone help this guy with the fire giant I am getting demolished
Astel Xbox?
Advice on build? I am new.
XBOX— help with Margot outside queens bedchamber
Help me please XBOX Godfrey the golden
XBOX ready to fight!