Well that sucks
Bots shouldn't be allowed to use the repeater rifle, they just too good with it
Happens every season
Me and Bro off to annoy people with our typhoon blades
Captain America: "On your left"
Hit a nasty thunder pump on an PWR member off all people
It's been a long while since I've had this many players in one place
I still win even after death
Forecast guard said "Do the roar" from Shrek
What a fascinating motor bike ride
Ima just leave this here
Someone using PS4s as hover jets
Unexpected surprise attack
Hope got a free hair cut
Peter Griffin jump scare
How to not get a girlfriend 101
Scaring the crap out of my mate
I keep hearing different opinions, some say it's a dude and lady and some others say it's a dude and a dude. So which one is it???
That's one way to get loot from enemy players
From the blade slash to out the window then narrowly missing the tracks bridge the guy probably was not happy
Orbital strike!!!
When your teammate baits you with your favorite weapon
My reboot card got put in a maximum-security prison
Uh oh