Is this ok?
Which would you take
Anyone else mount their air compressor on a lawn mower body so it’s easier to push around?
Y'all what does this Golden gas light mean
Today is annually my wife’s least favorite day of the year.
Alright, you’re on a golf trip with the boys and your about to play a bucket list course. What are you grabbing from the pro shop?
Can I hot tub or not?
Watching an episode of Columbo. Just realized the kitchen is carpeted. Was that a 70s thing???
Which stain for my white oak 105 year old floors?
Roast my bag. Haven’t played in 20 years, so I’m bringing 2004 to the course. Roast away
What was your favorite Beer? Did you make a pull tab chain?
This swing was a 2-foot putt away from winning The Open
are these value for money?
What tech sucks for you
Happened on Rodeo Drive
Is it ever worth it to do your own oil change?
Solo golf trip worth it?
Is there any benefit with using aluminum audio wires?
Any tips of how to cleanup/refinish dad's old putter?
Entry level scotch drinker here
1 putts from here on out I guess..
My 1st place award wining bbq platter at a black box competition..
Men, how do you get rid of an unwanted boner?
Which famous person do you think lurks on r/golf?
If this 1971 newspaper page full of car ads was today and you could buy only one car, which would you buy?