Is there anyway to get Heir Apparent now?
Focused Feedback: Sunsetting Post Beyond Light
Some insane spoilers for Beyond Light weapons and perks.
New Raid Exotic is a Rocket Launcher
Ikelos_smg_v1.0.2 do I have a good one or no?
Bungie Pls: Exotic armor for Warlocks that gins up a weapon type
I think I just found my favourite Exotic
My Characters going into Beyond Light: Red Riot, Royal Diplomat and Green Ranger
Beloved before it's too late
Shadowkeep weapons shouldn't be sunset
Hunter dodge vs Icarus Dash
A tantalizing choice presents itself
What’s the best way to get an exotic engram to drop for the Sturm quest?
Best dps for scourge?
Ikelos SG
What mod works best on an Overflow Dragonfly Summoner?
Dire Promise rolls?
Dire Promise
Astral Horizon
Finally finished the Cottontail Shell drawing!
Need a second opinion on spiteful fang bow
This meme template is still relevant god dammit