Best Cartoon Network Character That Starts With Each Letter: F
Completely melted while listening to a relaxing video for guinea pigs on YouTube lol
Help pls how do I wake up hamter
You don't judge me, I don't judge you.
Would you raise Superman?
The most non-boomer boomer thing my mom has said
My hummer ordered 1000 headshots of himself. What should be his punishment?
Is Poppy is the best side-character?
What’s a show you’d never skip the intro for?
Favorite characters who just miss their wife
What are everyone's pet names for the "President"?
"JaNuArY 6tH wAs A sMaLl SuBsEcT oF cOnSeRvAtIvEs!!!1!1!1!1!1!"
You can have one of this characters as your sisters, who do you pick?
Help needed!!
Which is your favorite JL lineup?
I got to block a boomer today! Not even American, just a moron.
“Mommy so proud of me because the vet said I was one of the most well behaved hamsters she’s ever seen. My name is Pancake”
Since it’s black history month who’s your favorite black character?
What is with this Hooters resurgence going on?? And why is it a birthday party theme for a baby??????
Hooters Themed Birthday Party for a One Year Old? Creepy!!
Best Cartoon Network Character That Starts With Each Letter: D
Unrelated to literally everything but Theodore just got up from napping on me and WALKED OVER MY FACE to go and bother Percival. I thought you should know.
Renaming my girls
What are some things you just like to collect and hoard?