Which do I need the R7 or R8?
What is the deal with guys on electric scooters and their speakers ?
How Did You Convince Your for Taking Whey/Creatine/or Any Supplements for the 1st Time?
What do your Tech Ecosystem / Everyday carry look like ? And what do you do ?
What do your Tech Ecosystem/ Everyday carry look like ? And what do you do ?
What is that one thing that motivates you to succeed in life?
Started Digging even b4 tarring was completed
A credit Card is not an extension of your Salary
Bike - suggestion
Ee chat inte oru karyam☺️☺️☺️🥰🥰🥰
Developers , how you document your code?which tool or process you follow?
Wrapping up January: Journal edition
I spied on my mom's phone and got to know many things which opened my eyes.
India To Develop Own Gen Al Model
To the women in AM or looking for an AM setup, have you thought of hiring or hired a PI. How did it go ?
From 5 reps to 20+
Today was my GF's Piranaal ...And i Just Woke up ..Am i Cooked
Nice little upgrade
Curly haired gals/guys , please help
Best plant protein
Clothing brand suggestions (slim fit men’s)
First Time Using Weed –need Advice & Experiences
Women wearing sports bras in gyms
Out of curiosity I decided to explore the AI girlfriend chatbot, and it ruined me
Does anyone feel warm/hot after consuming whey protein ?