Bakeries internships?
Weekly Game Questions and Help Thread + Megathread Listing
Weekly Social Thread - For all your Team/Alliance, LFG, Discord, Twitch, and social needs!
Accessoires not working
Looking to find other players to play with
Questioning sexuality
Is it normal ?
Human or paranormal creature?
Do narcissists know they cause you pain? Or do they know but don't care?
S11 Maze bronze need friends
Which manhwa is this?
Idol group
Does anyone else feel drained by narc parents ?
Which one?
Best server
Sketching attempt
I think my brother is colorist, each time he sees black girls he always need to say « Oh this one is light » « oh this one is dark » or even go as far to ask himself « She’s light skin right? ». I know colorism is everywhere but where we grew up it wasn’t predominantly an issue. Is he a troll or fr?
Store: personality and clothes
How the wind saga cast should have been