Stigma is the Cause of Higher Mortality Rates!
It’s not ok to make fun of anyone, but the skinny person wanted to point out the double standard and not being fatphobic.
Calorie deficits are starvation.
One Fatlogic after another…. Why is everything always someone else’s fault with these people.
Health and fitness isn’t just a hobby tho.
But there is a HUGE difference.
F and marry a what now?!?……
Yeah ok
Because you can’t enjoy life if you make healthy choices and eat the unhealthy stuff in moderation and live your life at a healthy weight!
Half the population shouldn’t be fat.
She’s so pressed by a random IG post. Why you scrolling through his thirst traps? Lol.
So you admit fat people stress eat and binge eat. Do you think maybe you’re fat because you binge eat? But no one is eating enough? Is binge eating considered a “normal amount” of food? I’m so confused.
But Obesity IS a disease. Correlation is not a diagnosis, eye color is not how you diagnose melanoma.
“fat is the coolest organ in the human body and I will not tolerate the hate.”
Eating healthy, exercising, and becoming a healthy weight is not mutilating your body.
Obesity is a chronic disease, and yet you can be fat and healthy.
Muscle and fat are not the same…..
Cuz every single online business must cater to fat people, and should be forcibly shut down otherwise.
So people shouldn’t be disgusted or feel betrayed when catfished??? Are they justifying catfishing if you’re fat?
Is this all that they can think about?
None of this makes sense to me
Why they always gotta be so violent.
Im sooo fat...looking for advice
So thinking eating only fast food , three times a day, every single day, for 30 days, is bad for you is considered fatphobic. And constantly eating junk food has absolutely no negative effects on our health.
Tiktoker says a good litmus test for whether or not we're in the bad timeline is if people think Ashley Graham is fat (also laughs at the idea that Ashley Graham is overweight)