Why is there no integrity these days.?
Why is integrity a rare quality these days?
Why is integrity a rare quality these days amongst youth?
Why is being a genuinely good person a rare quality?
Why is being a genuinely good person with the right values and integrity a rare quality these days especially amongst the youth?
If you are just physically attracted to someone it’s just lust, Not love. Respect comes first and intimacy later. Do you agree and Why?
Do men sexualise every woman out there? Do they sexualise women they genuinely like and want to have a serious thing with? Why?
My boytriend (29 m wants to attend his ex girlfriend's grandmother funeral and | (26 f) am not okay with it.
My boytriend (29 m wants to attend his ex girlfriend's grandmother funeral and I (26 f) am not okay with it. Are my feelings valid?
My boyfriend ( 28 m) wants to attend his ex girlfriend's grandmother funeral and I (26f) am not okay with it.
Which Barbie doll is this? I guess she’s from the 90s but never being able to Id her
What is best life advice you've heard?