Why have they removed Where the Wild Wolves Have Gone?
In this selection of Power Metal bands, who had the best album? (Pt. III)
No Pain, No Gain - Majestica
Only bangers🔥
Who's your favourite band that doesn't fit your usual taste?
Judicator - Concord (new album single) it’s available on some streaming platforms already
Bands you hate from genres you love ?
Do you connect with male or female artists more?
Thoughts on the patch placement
Dominum are fantastic live
Anyone else get irrationally angry at these guys' content? It makes whatever their concept of "elitism" is look appealing if it's the opposite of what they're doing.
What's a random band you like that isn't really well known? Mine is wolftooth
Should I re-sew? I don’t care too much, it’s just a bit wonky
How likely will a tour after run for your lives be?
In this selection of Power Metal bands, which one had the best sophomore album? (Pt. II)
“Power Train” by Majestica is out! What are your thoughts?
Antifascist and anti-racist activism in Belfast today
Am I the only one who doesn't really mosh?
What’s your favorite vocal style/sound?
What do we think of this song boys and girls?
Advice for dry/possibly damaged/milia prone skin
Pictures I took at yesterday's protests in London (1st February 2025)
Best Album I’ll go first
Best metal song intro's?