I designed and printed a somewhat cartoonish version of Robert Sims. I really like his character.
I designed, printed and painted a little homage to the brave men of bridge 4. PS.: I suck at painting, but the spear should be like it is glowing.
My first finished Projekt - Robert Sims from the TV Show "Silo" I tried to convert him in a cartoonish look, please share your thoughts. I dont know to to make him look even more like him.
I created a golden inlay for the hardcover edition of The Way of Kings for my 3d Printer. It came out awesome.
I created a bookmark for the Way of Kings similar to my golden inlay for the cover.
Press F to Pay Respects - A funny meme key to give to your friends to pay respect :)
I created a golden inlay for the hardcover edition of The Way of Kings from the Stormlight archive (Brandon Sanderson). It came out awesome.
I designed a simple way to paint multiple minis while others are drying.
Want to send resource gathering parties and feel my own earned wealth
Wierd line on my print
What’s a dead YouTube channel that you miss?