Must get into LSE to defeat vile inhuman
What do Americans think about Germany honestly?
Is Zar'roc in the cover of Murtagh a hand-and-a-half sword instead of a one-handed sword like it's described in the books?
Need new books to read
THIS IS IN CELCEEUS !!!!!!!!!!!!
Call me old fashioned but...
I (21M Dunmer) am an atheist who doesn't believe any Aedra, Tribunal, or Daedra actually exist. AITA?
Autism ‘Coded’ universities.
2/5 Exeter Law🍞 Idek why I applied here but I’ll take it.
28/F/Stupid how do I find Elder Scrolls friends? Where's the daedra bitch girl gang?
altmer woman
Doubt about Super-Curriculars from an International Student
To international students, how would you pay for university?
They call me Dirge cause I'm the last thing you hear before they put you in the ground.
who is an honorable rapist?
What would happen if Melisandre met Count Orlok?
As a White writer, I don’t write.
Fuckin here this shit 🖕🖕🖕🖕
Sean Strickland reacts to Islam saying he'd be willing to move up to 185.
is being flat a turnoff?
Do women get the ick when you open up as a man?
What a wild gap.
Just a chill guy
How can I sleep when I sweat my bed into a frigid puddle????