Apparently you can make the puck fling at breakneck speeds if you place a sprout wall on top of it
New berry skin is bugged.
How in the world am i supposed to beat Tara
Wing Mode BLY in 2v2 Hockey is incredible
The Hockey Mode is the worst Mode ever created
The Hockey Mode is the best Mode ever created
What is the hockey mode meta?
I can see this angle being really useful on defense
Apparently, Willow's 1st sp doesn't work at all
Can somebody please explain the Stu draft here?
Dyna wins most overrated and willow wins most underrated, who do you think is a bum/fraud thrower and who do you think is GOATED?
megs rework was basically useless
How do I even play Moe in this current meta?
What do you want to see in the Ranked update arriving in Feburary?
Classic modifier
BobbyBS's Top 20 Brawlers (Spoilers: Maisie is ranked 5th)
This is the best the game has felt to play in a while imo
Juju is the stupidest character in the game and not enough people are complaining
Symmantec Tier List
Is it correct to say that in the current meta, Stu is the most versatile brawler in the game?
How would the event around the February brawl talk look like? (Concept)
Alternative hypercharge concept
is brock actually usable on snake prarie? (stolen from spen's video)
SpenLC Draft Guide + Draft Bot
Meeple may be balanced