Is this tall fescue?
Do y’all ever park your car, walk away, then look back, and think “DAMN, my car looks so good”.
Premium gas?
How do you guys stay away from your phones/distractions?
Why does you CGPA even matter
What's the chance using x-rays as a surgeon daily without using lead causing infertility issues?
Cyanosed but sp02 100%
Should I go full nuclear?
PSA don't put rocks down. Also, what the heck is this and how can I get rid of quickest or most permanent way
What is this for?
At minimum, how much money do you think you’d need to be set for life?
Well it finally happened
[IN][SFH] Share your HOA budget! I'll show mine, you show me yours.
[UPDATE] My HOA forgot to add a majority of the lots to the covenants lol
Fizzing feeling in neck?
What car is this?
My HOA forgot to add a majority of the lots to the covenants lol
Anyone else become a fatass while studying for this exam?
Been crying for the past 4 hours
Opinion on these supplements?
Why shouldn't I buy this Q5 for $5k?
What did you do that allowed you to study longer?
What is the loudest, least reliable car to buy?
Negotiate Price?