Smoked turkey breast
What are some good spicy salads?
Cooking Meat in Stew
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Which title card timing tickled you JUST right?
How'd I do?
How to get more comfortable at the gym?
Brine question (first timer)
Homemade andouille
Beginner Squat Form
Can't 'exist' until I lose weight
I’m a full on rapist
Hurtados Arlington
How do you measure cooking oil? I hate measuring oil! so long and I waste so much oil.
Tips for getting a good bark on a pellet smoker
Pork N Things $14
Would bean tacos with homemade flour tortillas be an okay lunch?
Smart to pay off loan early?
BBQ was spicy in California Tonight!
Just happened at All That BBQ in Irvine 1 of 2
Brisket prices??
How much protein?
Recently dialed in my green egg🥶
Anyone in Seattle want to form a team for Sunny trivia 2/3? Hoping to play but not alone!
Beef Shank (thors hammer)