Video games ____ cause violence
Give me tips for losing _____
Spirits, where are you when you aren't here?
Welcome to the _______.
Heya! Want to go to Eevee Park? We could go and name a Ghost-type eeveelution _____!
I’m banned from ____.
Hey Spirits what’s wrong with me?
Do British people say Zebra or Zed-bra
Spirits, how should I celebrate my birthday today?
who is yoru favourite youtuber
We learn about _____ at school
_____________ while drunk ?! Never again !!
Nintendo have announced that _______ will be in the next Super Smash Bros game
Why is everyone asking to fill in the blanks instead of asking questions? Are they ______?
alright last time i asked for favourite youtuber (mine is matt rose) now favourite game? (mine ultrakill)
What's as old as civilization?
What is love
Dad, I'm Ga_____
It's been a minute and my eyes still watering, I need a ___
What's the longest word in English?
The super earth government has requested that I check if you can recite the super earth national anthem
Today is the day of ______ !
Small town _____
Always take _____ in life
Why is everyone asking to fill in the blanks instead of asking questions? Are they stupid?