Jake’s subtle “harder” gets me every time.
What do you think is the single most used B99 reference on Reddit?
Wanna share my routine that’s been working well for me at the moment! I have naturally dry, thin, fine curls :)
5 years of Blood sweat and tears 🥰….road to wellness’25
Elder care/estate planning attorney?
Out of the recurring cast, Kevin is by far my favorite.
I am so tired of having no meaning in my life.
I beg your finest pardon
Can I use a wood burning tool on a wooden magnetic knife holder?
Jake Peralta in Detroit: Become Human
Hahaha hmhm huh huh
Hahaha hmhm huh huh [sipstea]
Removing 300 years of paint and grime
mental health depicted in 99
Hey Jakey
Halal Private dinner recommendations in Houston
Don’t need exact brand, but what type of pants are these?
Can this be sanded or ground?
Disgusting and pointless
This is why we can’t have nice things
Grandpa Bob Sandwich (our history) on Sandwiches of History
My Best Friend Loves Taxidermy
Bill Bailey's song for Adele
Peanut Butter Salad Sandwich (1924) on Sandwiches of History