of a German police officer
What game you spend most hours in?
New (to me) Surge
Protac 1l-1aa fueling
Are your Chis also love-hungry?
What is something your father said to you that you will never forget?
What is an outdoor hobby that is very low on adrenaline and effort but enjoyable enough for people with oposite (adventure seeking vs chill at home) personalties??
You're on a hiking trip in nature when you encounter Death. Death gives you a thumbs up and gestures for you to continue on your way. How do you react?
What’s a small act of kindness someone did for you that you’ll never forget?
How has your appearance changed since high school?
Who calls you everyday to make sure you're okay?
The last video game you played is now your sex life. What is it?
My son would like to know: Best snacks/candies for prepping?
No context
What made you realize you weren't like everyone else?
American trad/blackwork revolver
On a scale of -10 to 10
of a banana
Would you let me into your settlement. Why? Why not?
What can you never truly understand until you have experienced it?
If you could only have 3 flashlights, which ones would you choose?
Any tips or suggestions for starting out my bug out bag?
What is your reason to stay alive?
Would you stay at your house?
Anyone else stick a pen between their knife and flashlight to keep it from getting scratched up? 😆