AITA for feeling cringe at my mom when she brags about me
Should I just get my hair washed at the white salon
Yall I pray I make to this concert!
Which one is your favorite?
Cowboy Carter and renaissance tour
Putting in leave after tech school
Who is the worst singer to ever make it big?
What *actually* gets you out of bed in the morning?
Am I the only one who gets aroused by sounds…
HIV or flu?
I feel like I’m back at square one
What you hiding??
Childless folk, do you date people with kids?
Do you ladies send nude photos to people you’re dating?
Things I could do to make my one day Disney trip extra special or fun?
Stressing out over my hair for the military (BMT)
Is this a sign of mental illness?
Hair maintenance while overseas in military
Do you poop in public bathrooms?
Will it last?
Our people are insufferable man
Herpes discourse on twitter
Getting over him