Are Limited Edition Cars Worth It or Just Hype?
Just moved here for work, CT refuses to register my vehicle and it has been threatening my livelihood.
My coolant gauge won’t go past this mark, is there something wrong?
Imagine having to buy a Lambo you never even get to sit in
Why is my caliper loose? it has a little play and it sounds while driving. Toyota Yaris/echo 2005, 1.5 liters 145.000 miles (233.000 km)
ELI5: How do incarcerated people get jacked if all they eat is prison food?
I got summoned for Jury Duty
MMW: AOC will be arrested or prosecuted by the end of Elon Musk’s first term
Moving to Mexico?
Blue bully almost wrecks out on The Merritt
This was hanging on a door in my Doctor’s Office where I used to live
Too good to be true?
Is this storm another “meh” in your area too?
Found it somewhere 😂
Government handouts for me, but not for thee.
Not what Geo intended
What is the point of this?
Spicy Ramen with shrimp, broccoli and an egg on the side
Trump, The Second Prince of Peace
Hardest thing you'll see today
Why does she lick me?
Remember what was stolen from us.
If you won the lottery but wanted to keep your winnings completely anonymous, how would you go about quitting your job without raising suspicion?
Bro ripped that engine right out 😭