Roque Classique GONE!?
Where do you like to read fics?
My Feed
This is depressing AF. Cottonwood
Does anyone know what happened to Rio, and his YouTube channel, Utah Sasquatch?
Staying in Canada beyond the 6-month visa-free period?
AITA for telling my girlfriend not to bother learning my native language?
WIBTA if I made my sister-in-law change the name of her unborn baby?
AITA - Wedding Edition
AITA for telling my (26F) best friend (24F) she needs to wear larger clothes?
AITA for not wanting to be with my post transition partner.
AITA for asking my wife to clean up before she eats dinner?
AITA for asking my GF to shave her armpits?
What would happen to someone with allergies to antibiotics in an apocalypse?
AITA for calling my coworker a "nosy b*tch" after she kept insisting to know my husband's salary?
AITA for telling my half brother and sister-in-law to be quieter?
AITA for outing my old friend?
What’s is your unpopular Bigfoot opinion?
AITA for destroying my parent’s cigarettes for smoking in the house?
AITA For telling my friend that his GF’s food is gross?
AITA for leaving the table after my BIL made joke i didn’t like ?
AITA for telling a disabled joke to disabled person?
AITA for not allowing my husbands grieving grandma to kiss my son
Ever heard of Plastic!Winchester Theater? It's a few years old, but still SO entertaining.
AITA for not letting my friend borrow my car?