Sick 3ga gloves I found on a chest
Returning player looking for training advice
Returning player needing advice
Help me
Discord server
Thorns golem?
Well.. guess I’m done
Shadowblight knowledge needed
Are you going with Shadow minion or Pure minion?
Grandfather Bonespear
Drag racers
Bone Spear knowledge
Is PVP popular or even viable ?
[xbox][h] cert stitches[w] credits
[XBOX] [Pc] [H] Credits [W] Purple and orange thanatos bps, Striker Fg, Grey pixel fires bp or crafted (Xbox only)
[Xbox] [Price Check] Tactician Bs Shibuya Bp ;)
Gg mosaics
Alpha Items, Beta Items & White Hat Thread
[Xbox][h] wyw [w] alpha boost
Craft gloves for Assassin, any good?
Xbox griffon
[xbox][h] sweeper tw flowers boost[w] credits
[Psn] [H] Rare Blueprints list below (THEY CAN BE TRADED ON XBOX) [W] You to have a look see if you like any :) have a good day
[Xbox] [H] OG TW Tact Hextide [W] 12k