Forsen took less than 26 minutes to finish his intro and is playing Kingdom Come 2 and you are blackpilling?
Broxah shows support for Rekkles
Wtf. Damn it's already November. 2025 was 2 years ago........
V USA se právě rozpadá demokracie
What is your favourite dog breed bajs?
This gum on the ground looked like doc LULE autism
forsenLaughingAtYou UK CUCKS
After being scammed by NA doctors for the past 2 years, I get zapped by Asian needles and my hand problems are cured instantly
LR Rekkles goes offline and cancels upcoming scrims due to extreme anxiety of Thorin's upcoming content nuke
He will be back at League within the week. You know it within your heart
Gaming is saved PagMan
FeelsStrongMan DIVER CITY
HE quit league of lesbians finally, He's gonna play Kingdom Cum 2
saddest sadE moment
“B-but he was tired!”
Bajs and Japanese women go hand in hand
Biggest lies caught on camera monkaOMEGA
Baj gets caught
It’s over....
Joe Rogan vs Genghis Kahn
Zdá se mi to, nebo tohle až moc připomíná tu slavnou Rakušanovu výjimku z migračního paktu?
Despite accepting hundreds of thousands of refugees from Ukraine, Poland will not be exempt from the solidarity "mechanism," and is bound by all the legal acts that make up the Pact on Migration and Asylum. (Polish article)
Můj bejvalej mi nedá spát