They told us it would be business as usual online... But the fleece inventory is gone from ship to home.
Offerings to the Gods
What is your” old man yells at clouds” type rant now that we are firmly entrenched in middle age?
Actually Useful Care Package Help
What the hell is happening tomorrow?
Panic buying already
Store Closures/Sales
Customer Service
To our customers
What’s does this do again
Full body MRI
If Joann’s closes, where to buy material?
Are you still watching TV?
Why you should always spell check your Etsy listings
WhEn ArE yOu sTaRtInG tHe LiQuIdAtIoN
First time I had 2 sales on the same day!
This is only a kind of hypothetical question to employees of Joanns-
Free Shipping Guarantee to “Boost” Visibilty
First year with shop, year end numbers
Final sale??
Deer Crossings along the Interstates
This cut is insane