What is making movies nowadays not look like the movies we grew up watching and loved?
Seeking a Creative Editor for My New YouTube Journey!"
What movie you blindly tuned into and it turned out to be one of the greatest? I’ll start
RECOMMENDATION REQUEST: Documentaries where it's mostly one person talking, like Soderbergh's "Gray's Anatomy" of Spalding Gray, or even Fog of War... Minimal b rolls, no reenactment. Just talking head.
I can't stand these AI-generated voice podcasts
As an editor, what tells you if the director you're working with is good or bad?
How to shoot on FX3 and upload directly to the cloud? (Blackmagic Cloud for example)
Hi I'm new to editing. Sowhat is the best free text to speech to use? I'm really on a tight budget so I can't afford premiums right now sadly.
Looking for good movie/filmmaking podcasts!
How has AI made things worse in your industry?
Who are the Ken Burns of other countries from whose works we can learn about their culture and history? RECOMMENDATION REQUEST
Does anyone know how to get videos to have this smooth quality?
You can't expect a book written with AI to sell.
Curious for tech startups that started in Vietnam, if you moved to a different country, where did you move to and why?
Feeling defeated and lost without work
How to use discord and slack for distribution? I will not promote
How do you decide if you need therapy or a hard kick in the butt?
Another Film School Question
How do I know if a product is a good idea to pursue? i will not promote
more like this please
I don’t understand the criticisms of Nosferatu
In your recruiting experience, what position draws in the most troublesome candidates?
What’s Your Go-To-Market Strategy? What’s Actually Working for You?
Gave new hire one "top priority" task; 5 days later he hasn't begun