Need help understanding the “foresight ability”
I like collecting Warhammer Joytoy figures so heres how it looks so far!
My collection so far! I saw a custom joytoy figure from toyverse where they made the emperor of mankind and I'm so tempted to buy it!
Got multiple friends to play war thunder then, well you know what happened after…
Armour of fate powerpack is it a eagle?
How is this ad allowed on youtube!?
Dumb drivers
Is Consort Radahn still fun after the nerf?
Feel like an outlier to my very own family
Claymore with sacred blade or ordovis’s greatsword?
Why do people prioritize vigor
Lore accurate dark angels Risen/redeemed colour scheme?
Inquisitor vs a space marine who would win
I’m new, but do I just suck?
[Spoiler question] Has Rockstar stayed which ending is considered canon?
First female custodes in The Tithes Episode 2
(Rant) What happened to Roblox
What's Your Opinion On Natural Disaster Survival
Is the faceless head not working?
Is this jealousy or what?
does starting anew game restart the multiplayer side?
What does beam mean?
Are the Japanese breeding visas real?
Does anyone know where this came from?
Weekly Road Rage Thread - Complain Here