What’s the best way to get better?
What’s with all the disconnections/AFK teammates in ranked?
What is the point of having both rank resets and smurfing as a reportable offence?
teammates instantly run away the second we start getting in contact.
What do you guys think about the current update?
No you suck, new to PC please help.
Why does this ranked season feel harder?
How have Perks affected Apex Legends in the long term?
Numbers only use names? Bots?
You don't have to be a good player to be good at the game
What’s the point of knockdown shields
Banned from Apex Legends After My Account Was Hacked – What Can I Do?
Genuine Question, I’m semi new to ranked but does this make sense? (I’m gibby)
Packet Loss
The enemy red halo is gone now or am i going blind?, i can't see the enemies in this game.
Actually preventing smurfs
Ping Doubles in Singapore
I can't imagine what those gold players are thinking
5 minute queue time in pubs for this GGs.
The respawn mechanic is flawed
was I let off too easy?
Has the recent changes nerfed Conduit too much?
does any1 remember your legends saying specific things when the kill leader was killed, specifically not by your squad? i swear i heard my teammates characters say something when the kill leader was killed but i cant find anything related to it
"Sir, a second nerf has hit Ash."