Has anyone else noticed this about people who hate graffiti?
Is this dog a wunkus
How do I find a local graffiti artist?
Fuckit, im moving to Canada
Today, I, enemy of the state, evil trans person:
Actually started playing the game after watching so many vids on it!
Love these posts. "Oh I love pieces but hate this crap"
Graffiti menace 'Tanse'
Totally owned Ben Shapiro in my imagination while in the shower
How many of you do other types of art?
Cried because my boyfriend called me beautiful?
Is it weird that I am only interested in tags, and not throwups and pieces and stuff like that?
Coming up on a year of doing graff, still in my toy phase ð
Am I a bad dad
1 line charachter
my local subway
How to not feel dysphoric about voice training
Some humor in dark times
Beginner hollow throwie, crits? Share your toughts
Which characters did you realise were right after growing up?
First sketch after i got busted.. thoughts?
Good character concept?