Songs for DMGP 2025 released
Do you believe that the earliest humans lived at the same time as the dinosaurs? (Eurobarometer)
Det är över. Finland har fallit
Support for a common defence and security policy in the EU (Nov 2024)
Do you prefer to watch foreign films with subtitles, rather than dubbed? (Eurobarometer)
Who do Britons see as the UK's allies and enemies?
Horizon Zero Dawn Remastered rated by the ESRB
Sign Language families of Europe
What further countries do Western Europeans think should be admitted to the EU? (Oct 2023)
Inflation rate for olive oil in the EU
Too easy 😎
Jumpscare a Finn today by telling them that 10% of Finnish is Swedish loanwords
Tomb Raider 1-3 Remastered Includes Racial and Ethnic Stereotypes Warning From Crystal Dynamics
Inflation rate for pizza in the EU
Top 10 main destinations of waste from the EU in 2022
Change in potato prices 2022-2023
[Steam] Winter Sale 2023 (Day 1)
Main producers of candles in the EU
Eurobarometer eurozone survey November 2023
Original content only 😀👍
Nordicks gaming powerhouse 💪
Eurobarometer: In the last 12 months, have you had any emotional or psychosocial problems such as feeling depressed or feeling anxious? (June 2023)
A few words from the "The Lord of the Rings: Gollum" team
Opening Ceremony / Turquoise Carpet - Live from Reggia di Venaria (Venaria Palace) @ 16:00 CEST