It would be great if Alex had Roger Penrose or Federico Faggin on his podcast.
Incompatibilists, Compatibilists, and Libertarians, list and rank the best arguments for and/or against your beliefs on free will.
Does anyone else find alex lacking left wing analysis?
Freewill and moral responsibility
[Libertarians] Why is the compatibilist explanation not convincing?
What is free will, exactly?
Legal Punishments Under a Deterministic Worldview
Finally got my No Free Will tattoo!!
A Model of Causation, or I Don’t know if There Is Free Will
What is the name for this position about freewill and determinism?
Libertarians: substantiate free will
Maura’s panic was difficult to watch
Cliffe Knechtle is someone Alex should debate.
Where can I find the rest of the Peterson/Dawkins debate?
Destiny on Immigration, Trump, and Voter ID
Kevin Mitchell & Robert Sapolsky Debate "Do We Have Free Will?" (NEW October 29th)
Libertarians: Please address this:
Poll - Richard Dawkins Spectrum Of Theistic Probability.
Misunderstanding Alex’s Triangle
In regard to 'most people have a compatibilist notion of free will' ...
Jordan Peterson was disappointing
Would/should Alex go on Joe Rogan?
Now that Alex said he's an agnostic...
Alex claims consciousness is immaterial because we can't find the triangle in our brains, but I found them.