[TOMT] 2000s/90s Song with the lyrics "...[back to/get to?] my hometown, to the things that I neeeeeed" in the chorus?
What's a dead giveaway someone grew up as an only child?
This is causing an UPROAR on Twitter. What do y’all think?
Can we take a moment and apreciate how good is the state of the game right now? good balancing, non toxic comunity (for the most part), non game breaking bugs and fun gameplay overall
Cyclops Duelist Idea
Dumped via text after four months of dating
26 and think I need a career change (Sorry for the massive wall of text)
Broken up with via text after 4 months
Why can’t I get any matches?
Can asking a girl to be your girlfriend actually be a turn-off?
Asking a girl to be your girlfriend might actually be a turn-off?
Tits or ass
I wanna be there already
My boyfriend and I haven’t had sex in 3 months. He doesn’t even engage in small sexual gestures like touching
Now that the DLC has been out for about a week, think it's safe to say this was one of the best bosses hands down.
What do y’all think is the best weapon in the game now?
Lessons I’ve learned after glowing up and becoming successful at dating
I'm dating the perfect girl, but I don't have the butterfly feelings I have had in the past. Why?
[Offline Seattle][5e Flexible][Time TBD][LGBTQ+ Friendly]
Feeling particularly crappy after enthusiasm turned to ghosting
I think that Pact is a better introduction to the Otherverse than Pale
When You Think Gigantic
What’s the most awkward thing someone has said to you right after sex?
Matt Reeves Arkham series is now set in the DCU.
Is Screen Rant actually a good springboard for a career freelance writing?